Saturday Session
Day time workshops.
Occasional Saturdays
Ashfield Presbyterian Church Hall, cnr Liverpool and Knox Streets
Day time workshops.
Occasional Saturdays
Ashfield Presbyterian Church Hall, cnr Liverpool and Knox Streets
These workshops involve some consolidated learning to complement your weekly classes.
Sam discovered lindy hop in 1998, teaching in 2002, and is known world-wide for her DJing and knowledge of music. Alice discovered lindy hop in 2006, and she has a reputation as one of the most focussed and talented solo jazz dancers in Australia.
Alice and Sam began teaching together in 2012, and together they have been exploring the rhythm-first approach to dancing encouraged by Old Timers like Norma Miller, and Chaz Young, and taught by modern dancers Asa and Daniel Heedman, Lennart Westerlund and eWa Burak, The Rhythm Hot Shots, and Ramona Staffeld.
This approach has been their main focus in their teaching and own learning, and they travel extensively to refine their skills. This type of dancing asks us to enjoy the music first, and worry about perfect sequences of steps later.
Their classes are known for being fun and full of excellent dad-jokes, but with an exacting approach to timing and rhythm. They have two rules: take care of your partner, and take care of the music.