Our Values
We believe in jazz music and dance.
We believe in the best throw-down, heart-stopping lindy hop, and that every song should be a solid sender that makes you leap to your feet.
We believe that every dancer and musician has a right to working and playing safely.
We believe that happiness is a right.
We do not believe in doing things ‘for the scene’. We are the scene.
We believe in making dance events socially sustainable. That means we can pay our bills, our workplaces are safe, and we don’t burn out.
We plan for the future by remembering the past and caring for each other now.
Jazz music and dance are, and always have been, revolutionary.
We are anti-racist. It’s not enough to just ‘not be racist’.
We are feminist.
We are queer.
We are young and old.
We are community, and we have each other’s back.
You are with us in this. In joining us on the dance floor, or working with us (as a teacher, DJ, musician, sound engineer, volunteer, or staff), you agree to treat all participants with care and respect, and to abide by our Code of Conduct and Safety policy.