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Social Swing Dancing in Sydney

This is a list of swing dance events organised by dancers for dancers, or frequented by dancers on a regular basis. The best independent (and comphrensive) source for swing dance info in Sydney is Sydney Lindy Hub.

Start time indicates beginning of social dancing. Events are weekly unless noted otherwise. Consult event pages for information about classes.

Sydney is home to some of the greatest jazz musicians in Australia (if not the world?!), and we can find them near dance floors every week.
Check their facebook pages for gig updates, or consult the Sydney Jazz Club gig guide. There may not be dancers there, but the music will be grand:






  • Swing Pit (2nd and 4th Friday of the month)
    DJed social dancing, class.
    9.00pm, $8, St Stephens Church Hall, 189 Church St, Newtown.


  • Harlem (1st Saturday of the month)
    (7 Jan, 4 Feb, 11 Feb, 4 Mar, 1 Apr, 6 May, 3 Jun, 1 Jul, 5 Aug, 2 Sep, 7 Oct, 4 Nov, 2 Dec 2017.)
    DJed party with occasional bands.
    8.30pm, $10, Ashfield Polish Club, 75 Norton St, Ashfield.

  • Jump Jive and Wail (2nd Saturday of the month)
    10.00pm, $??, City Tattersall's Club, 194 Pitt St, CBD.


Live music on Sundays. May or may not have dancers, will have good music:

© Swing Dance Sydney